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From the School Council Constitution


R.Tait McKenzie School Council consists of dedicated parents, community member, staff and student representatives who are committed to quality education that fosters life-long learning.


The purpose of the R.Tait McKenzie School Council is, through the active participation of parents, to improve pupil achievement and to enhance the accountability of the education system to parents. The R.Tait McKenzie School Council`s primary means of achieving its purpose is by making recommendation in accordance with Regulation 612 to the Principal of the school and the Upper Canada District School Board that established this council.

Advisory Authority of School Councils

A school council may make recommendations to the principal of the school or to the board that established the council on any matter. O. Reg. 612/00, s. 20.

Duty of Board to Respond

The board that established a school council shall consider each recommendation made to the board by the council and shall advise the council of the action taken in response to the recommendation. O. Reg. 612/00, s. 21.

Consultation with Parents

A school council shall consult with parents of pupils enrolled in the school about matters under consideration by the council. O. Reg. 612/00, s. 23.

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