R. Tait McKenzie School Council
School Council is made up of a great group of parents and professionals looking to get involved in their children's school community in a variety of ways. Any current R. Tait parent is welcome.
School Council is involved in a number of projects and initiatives throughout the school year. We welcome any level of participation you are willing to give!
Some School Council Facts
Meetings are held approximately once per month.
They are posted on Facebook and the school web site.
Elections for the various positions on the Council will be held in September.
Each meeting includes a report from the Principal as well as from a teacher representative from the school.
What does School Council do?
Advise the school Principal on issues he or she brings to us.
Liaise between parents and the school.
Fundraise for special projects or goals for the school.
Tackle more global issues in relation to the Board of Education and the Ministry of Education.
How do I get involved?
Watch for the first meeting date to come home in your child's note tote.
Call or e-mail the School Council Chair to express your interest.
Ask for information in the school office.
Check the School Council section of the R.Tait web site or post your interest on the school's Facebook page.